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Recall of Baby Cough Syrup
16 Apr

By pharmatrax

Category: News

Recall of Baby Cough Syrup for Bacterial Contamination No Comments

Recall of Baby Cough Syrup for Bacterial Contamination

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If your baby is sick, double check the medicine bottle before you give them any cough syrup. That’s because a baby cough syrup, typically sold at Dollar General shops across America, has been recalled for possible contamination with bacteria that can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

The cough syrup in question is called “Naturals Baby Cough Syrup + Mucus” under the brand “DG | naturals,” and it is manufactured by Kingston Pharma, LLC, based in Massena, New York.

Kingston said it issued the recall because the cough syrup might contain two forms of bacteria, bacillus cereus and bacillus circulans, which can cause gastrointestinal health issues in babies, including vomiting and diarrhea.

Although these health risks are not deadly and will cease without medical intervention, experts warn that these bacteria could cause more serious—and even potentially lethal—side effects. The heightened risk of death is present here because infants, babies and children who consume this cough syrup when they already have weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to severe bacterial infection and illness.

The contaminated product is being sold in 2-ounce bottles of fluid cough syrup. The bottle labeling markets it as “natural” and suitable for infants 2 months or older. The contaminated batch is labeled as “Lot KL180157” with an expiration date of 11/20.

Kingston says that it discovered the bacterial contamination when a routine test of its product revealed the bacillus cereus bacteria in one bottle and bacillus circulans in two bottles out of 10 bottles it tested. Therefore, the company is recalling the entire lot of which these 10 bottles were part.

Although no reports of sickness or death associated with intake of this cough syrup have been reported, the company has halted production of any more cough syrup while the US Food and Drug Administration continues to investigate the contamination and its source.

This is not the first recall on a product manufactured and sold by the pharmaceutical company, Kingston. Just last month, the company recalled its “DG Baby Gripe Water” because of an undissolved ingredient. That product, also sold across the US in Dollar General stores, is marketed as an herbal supplement with organic ingredients to help relieve babies from stomach discomfort from gas, fussiness, hiccups, teething and colic. However, four different consumers complained about the safety of the product, including the parent of a 1-week-old infant who had difficulty swallowing the Gripe Water because of undissolved particles in the liquid. Kingston voluntarily recalled the Gripe Water in response to the safety concerns.

In the meantime, the FDA and consumer watch groups are warning patients, consumers and health care professionals to avoid using this brand of cough syrup. If they have purchased the cough syrup labeled with the Lot information in question, consumers may return the product to the store where they purchased it for a complete refund.

Consumers are also encouraged to report any adverse events or health issues associated with either of these products to the FDA’s MedWatch program.

Source: https://mednews365.com/recall-of-baby-cough-syrup-for-bacterial-contamination/?fbclid=IwAR032p37W-qpFJbqZYIPwF5-_rJ14cXBYZi5BhCVXnMN2I6sSHdqsQxZfl8

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