Over 10 years experience of Traceability Solutions

painkiller recalled
02 Aug

By pharmatrax

Category: News

Powerful painkiller recalled after packaging mix-up No Comments

Powerful painkiller recalled after packaging mix-up

A batch of popular painkillers has been pulled from pharmacy shelves after another medication that is four times stronger was found in one packet. The…

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value chain
31 Jul

By pharmatrax

Category: Technoloy

Pharma companies move up the value chain No Comments

Pharma companies move up the value chain

Firms ramping up innovation efforts in new sectors like high-quality drugs and biologics As China moves forward from being the world’s manufacturing powerhouse to an…

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Translating proteins into music, and back
30 Jul

By pharmatrax

Category: Technoloy

Translating proteins into music, and back No Comments

Translating proteins into music, and back

By turning molecular structures into sounds, researchers gain insight into protein structures and create new variations. Want to create a brand new type of protein…

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28 Jul

By pharmatrax

Category: Technoloy

Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) managers are incubating vibrant new businesses in pharma and tech No Comments

Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) managers are incubating vibrant new businesses in pharma and tech

Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) managers are incubating vibrant new businesses in pharma and tech This might seem a particularly bad time to be investing in big…

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Top Indian drugmakers expand in China as policy changes trigger opportunity
27 Jul

By pharmatrax

Category: News

Top Indian drugmakers expand in China as policy changes trigger opportunity No Comments

Top Indian drugmakers expand in China as policy changes trigger opportunity

China and India are both major API suppliers and generic-heavy countries. Because of the similarity, Indian drugmakers have long had a hard time finding an…

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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial
10 Jul

By pharmatrax

Category: News

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Quality Control Board (PQCB) Sent Fake Medicine Cases To NIH For Retesting No Comments

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Quality Control Board (PQCB) Sent Fake Medicine Cases To NIH For Retesting

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Quality Control Board (PQCB) has ordered to lodged 11 FIRs against sellers of fake and sub-standard medicines while several cases has…

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E pharmawantsabudgetwithreformsthatkeepsupwithinnovation
09 Jul

By pharmatrax

Category: Technoloy

E-pharma wants a budget with reforms that keeps up with innovation No Comments

E-pharma wants a budget with reforms that keeps up with innovation

As healthcare takes strides towards digitisation, the e-pharma industry hopes for Government support to streamline electronic records, make healthcare affordable and give a boost to…

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counterfeit drugs
08 Jul

By pharmatrax

Category: News

ARTICLE The impact of counterfeit drugs in south and south-east Asia No Comments

ARTICLE The impact of counterfeit drugs in south and south-east Asia

Substandard and counterfeit drugs can negatively impact the pharmaceutical industry and patients. Here, we investigate counterfeits in south-east Asia and possible solutions. Counterfeit and falsified…

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bigstock FDA food and drug administrati
04 Jul

By pharmatrax

Category: News

Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Blood Pressure Medication No Comments

Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Blood Pressure Medication

Valisure warns FDA officials that the pharmacy found high levels of dimethylformamide in valsartan, a heart pill manufactured by Novartis. Valisure is an online pharmacy…

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Artificial Intelligence
29 Jun

By pharmatrax

Category: News

AI needs more health data if it’s to help cure the world No Comments

AI needs more health data if it’s to help cure the world

From automated eye scans to analysing the cries of new-born babies, faster drug development to personalised medicine, artificial intelligence (AI) promises huge advances in the…

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